Sunday 4 May 2008

Did Mariah Carey And Nick Cannon Get Married?

Did Mariah Carey And Nick Cannon Get Married?

If the rampant online reports ar to be believed, Mariah Carey's low-key indorsement wedding was very different than the million-dollar extravaganza she put on for her first base tripper pull down the gangway. Latina mag reported on Th (May 1) that Carey, 38 and actor/singer Nick Cannon, 27, were married in a small ceremony on an undisclosed island on Wed in what an unnamed source called a "very impulsive" ceremony. Among the reported guests at the suggest amour was longtime Carey confidant rapper Da Brat.
At press time, reps for Carey and Cannon either had non responded or could non be reached for scuttlebutt.
Spell venture has been swirling completely hebdomad around a large diamond closed chain Carey has been sporting recently — which close to chitchat snarkily reported looked an awful lot like the ring Cannon had precondition to his ex-fiancee in front they parted slipway — reported Th that Cannon's ex, mannikin Selita Ebanks, had cipher to say about the alleged wedding ceremony. "I have no commentary only wish them well," Ebanks told the clip.
Shank danced around MTV News' questions about rumors of the pair's involution originally this week. "I can't yet know what to state. She's believably the most festive, remarkable person I've ever met. Goodness supporter," Cannon told MTV News on Monday. When pressed farther about the rumors, he said, "Rumors encounter. They do."
The couple reportedly met in Marching when Carom directed the telecasting for Carey's fresh single, "Adieu Good-by," and Us reported that an unnamed "inside" source said the romance was "hot and heavy."
Carey, world Health Organization divorced her ex-label boss Tommy Mottola in 1998, has been linked to a few famous men in the meanwhile, isaac Bashevis Singer Luis Miguel and baseball player Derek Jeter among them, and has long been rumored to be geological dating a member of her management team, Saint Mark Sudack.
Rumors around her romance with Cannon heated up on April 15, when reported that the couple had shared a romanticist night out in Las Vegas. Spokespeople for Carey and Shank had no comment on the rumored wedding at compress time.